Learning Keyword Self in Ruby

Benjamin Cheng
3 min readDec 9, 2020


We’re going to dive deeper into the keyword self in Ruby. Just like other programming languages, it is a powerful tool allowing developers to contextually refer to a class or object. There are many behaviors of self in Ruby which are dependent on the context in which it is used in. One rule that is unchanged is that self always refers to one and only one object at a given time.

Top-Level Object

Top level context is any Ruby code that is not executing inside a sub-level code block such as class, module, method, or any other sub-level code blocks. Typically it’s any naked code in a Ruby file. self in the top-level context is an object called main. Any execution in Ruby is within the context of an object and self is a part of that main object.

Class Self

self can be referred to a class for the context within itself when called on itself. Here we output self in this class context:

class Player
puts "Self is: #{self}"

In the code above, in the class context, self is equivalent to the parent class where it was defined. The keyword self in this case can actually be thought of being a substitute for the class:

Self is: Player

Module Self

The use of self inside a module is similar to that of a class definition. As seen below they are treated the same.

module Game
puts "Self inside module: #{self}"
class Player
puts "Self inside module::class: #{self}"

Ruby will recognize the hierarchy of module to class in this case and will output the following:

Self inside module: Game
Self inside module::class: Game::Player

Class Method Self

class method vs class instance method

  • A class method is referred to only the class itself and not the instance of that class.
  • A class instance method is referred to all of the instances of the class and not the class itself.

Kind of confusing but to clarify, the example code below contains a class variable company and a getting method:

class Player
@@name = "Bob Smith"
def self.name
puts "Self in class method: #{self}"
return @@name
puts "Player class method is: #{Player.name}"

The self inside the class refers to the parent class object and the self.name provides functionality to one instance of the class.

Self in class method: Player
Player class method is: Bob Smith

Class Instance Method Self

As mentioned previously, a class instance method refers to all of the instances of the class and not the class itself. Defining a class instance method can be done by just excluding the self.

class Player

def name
puts "Self inside class instance method: #{self}"
puts "Self.class inside class instance method: #{self.class}"
return "Bob Smith"
player = Player.new
puts "Player class instance method: #{player.name}"

The instance method would have to create a new instance before calling it. The self keyword refers to a certain instance when in context of a class instance method.

Self inside class instance method: #<Player:0x00000004c38c9>
Self.class instance class instance method: Player
Player class instance method: Bob Smith

Another example is shown below for the difference when calling class and instance methods

class Playerdef self.from_class
"I'm from a class method"
def from_instance
"I'm from an instance method"

If we call try calling these methods, it would yield:

>> Player.from_class
=> I'm from a class method
>> Player.from_instance
=> undefined method 'from_instance' for Player:Class

Now if we try to create an instance for the Player class:

>> player = Player.new>> player.from_class
=> undefined method `from_class' for #<Player:0x0000342920cds340>
>> player.from_instance
=> I'm from an instance method

We cannot call an instance method on a class and we cannot directly call a class method on an instance. This can be shown below.

